Ever been called UGLY? or fat? or stupid? Too black? Four eyes? Broken? Dirty?

Why the word beautiful is an insult and the word ugly is a compliment.

(My story) Living with Crooked teeth. I would like to talk about that for moment, how it affects confidence even brain development, self-esteem, and personality.

Leading to depression, Social anxiety and many many more negatively provoking images of self.

Now for a moment let us go back to when we were children and our mind developing.
As kids we are absorbing our environment and everything around us. Doing this at a rate much higher than any other point in our lives. so when a kid a makes hurtful, mean comment or bullies another kid. That is simply them regurgitating a learned behavior.  Either at home or environment or both, perhaps what they’ve learned from television, combined with their own personal interpretation’s and perceptions of the world around them. Now add curiosity into the mix and the newly developing understanding of words usage and there meanings.  Once we add all these things together clearly!!  a child’s mind is no where near aware of the damages that words can cause.

You’re ugly or you have crooked teeth teeth, your fat or have acme or have dirty clothes. Maybe you have a cognitive developmental brain disability.  Children know not the deeper, impactful implications of saying such things.

Mean while that developing mind being bullied grows up carrying those torturous and impactful words well into adulthood. Furthermore if those negative experiences are not positively reshaped by a certain age that child becomes approximately 68% more likely to develop deep insecurities, depression, social anxieties, split personality The list goes on and on.

The affects are what i refer to as, an unhealthy brain development. Which is ultimately a developmental disability.

But don’t worry there is hope! You can reconstruct your own mind, in anyway you see fit. You do not have to be a victim any longer! You have the power let me show you.

You see, I hate using the word normal, mostly because it implies that everyone is the “same as everyone else”.  And for those of us with any “sense”  we know that people are very unique and have very different personalities, each one of us. So, the word “normal” becomes like an insult. But just as each person is unique and different we are also very similar. And because of those similarities the word normal is fitting.

However for this demonstration I would like to replace the word normal with the word balanced. What do I mean by balanced u ask? This is what I mean. Let us take the heartbeat for example. The heartbeat has a normal range of beats per minute, right? So, does the pulse and pretty much every vital sign. It takes blood approximately 23 seconds to circulate the body. That’s also has a “normal range” so for this demonstration the word balance somewhat represents normal.

Your personality, your brain is what it is most unique. The body lives mostly in the realm of normal. So what does that mean for brain development? Similar to those examples of normal vital sign ranges. There is also a healthy “normal” way in which the brain should develop. And when it does not develop normally an unbalance can happen!

So how is this connected to crooked teeth and insecurities or being bullied. Told  you talk or walk funny or you’re stupid, dumb, ugly, or fat. Whatever it is they say?!

If those negative ideas are not positively shaped within a certain developmental time frame. The brain will begin to try and correct those imbalances, those unhealthy experiences in the only way that it knows how. So, it creates insecurities.

(real quick  an insecurity is when you rely on others to fill and replace that which is missing).

If you have been told that you were ugly all your life you will rely on someone else to fill that void of insecurity.

The same can be said if you have been called fat, or stupid, or too dark, too skinny, too pale. Any number of nasty negative names.

The brain Begins to create insecurity to try and fill that emptiness that was negatively created from life experiences. But here’s where things get tricky. A person who has been called ugly all their lives, instead of them finding someone who calls them beautiful they become attracted to someone who calls them ugly. The brain has become so accustomed to that word, and the feeling from being called ugly that it has developed its personality around it. Now it needs that word, that feeling related to it to feel balanced. It can only feel whole again if it has that release of dopamine within the brain from feeling abused. So, instead of that person finding someone who calls them beautiful. The word beautiful becomes like an insult.

And as a result we do the opposite.

So, to simplify this idea, this concept. We all know the universe works in opposites. Opposites attract, (magnates, polarity, ect) this is where the well know idea of “the laws of attraction” come from.  If you don’t know what the laws of attraction are please go to YouTube or Google there’s plenty of footage on the subject. TO BE CONTINUED! (if requested)